Since 2008, we have continuously published CODE(X)+1 monographs in an effort to maintain and support traditional knowledge and bookmaking skills at the highest possible level. At the same time, we work to document and encourage technological and experimental innovations in current book arts practice. These individual essays and manifestoes are feuilletons, deliberations, and provocations designed to provide a voice to creative artists, writers, printers, and scholars of the book regarding the book as a work of art in the current international dialogue.

CODE(X)+1 Monograph Series

Since 2008, we have continuously published CODE(X)+1 monographs in an effort to maintain and support traditional knowledge and bookmaking skills at the highest possible level. At the same time, we work to document and encourage technological and experimental innovations in current book arts practice.
These individual essays and manifestoes are feuilletons, deliberations, and provocations designed to provide a voice to creative artists, writers, printers, and scholars of the book regarding the book as a work of art in the current international dialogue.